Building Accessible Websites for Businesses in the Philippines: A Guide for Web Designers

As businesses in the Philippines expand their online presence, it’s crucial that their websites cater to all users, including those with disabilities. A significant portion of the population may have visual, hearing, mobility, or cognitive impairments. For businesses to effectively engage all customers, web designers must prioritize accessibility.

Here’s a simple guide to help web designers in the Philippines create more inclusive websites.

Understanding Accessibility

Web accessibility ensures that people with disabilities can perceive, navigate, and interact with websites. Accessible websites offer a better experience for everyone, including people with slow internet connections, older adults, and mobile users.

Why It Matters for Philippine Businesses

  1. Wider Audience Reach: Making a website accessible allows businesses to tap into a larger customer base, including those with disabilities.
  2. Legal Compliance: As more countries implement digital accessibility laws, businesses in the Philippines might also soon be required to comply with accessibility standards.
  3. Better User Experience: Accessible websites often have cleaner designs, making them more user-friendly for everyone, not just people with disabilities.

Key Considerations for Accessible Web Design

Here are essential guidelines to help web designers create more inclusive websites:

1. Use Descriptive Alt Text for Images

Alt text helps visually impaired users understand what an image represents by describing it in text form. Ensure every image has accurate and concise alt text. For example, instead of “Image1.jpg,” a better description would be “A group of business professionals meeting in an office.”

2. Ensure Sufficient Contrast Between Text and Background

Text should always be readable against the background color. High contrast between text and background ensures that users with visual impairments can clearly read content. Use tools like color contrast checkers to verify that your design meets the required contrast ratios.

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3. Make Websites Keyboard Accessible

Many users with disabilities navigate websites using only a keyboard. Ensure that your website’s features, such as forms, buttons, and menus, are accessible through keyboard-only navigation. The “Tab” key should allow users to move through interactive elements easily.

4. Provide Captions and Transcripts for Multimedia

For users who are deaf or hard of hearing, provide captions for video content and transcripts for audio. This will allow them to engage with your multimedia content without missing crucial information.

5. Design with Simple Navigation

Keep website navigation intuitive and straightforward. Complex menus or a cluttered layout can confuse users with cognitive disabilities. Clear labeling, simple page structures, and logical flow make the experience easier for everyone.

6. Implement Scalable Fonts and Responsive Design

Allow users to adjust font sizes according to their needs without breaking the layout. A responsive design ensures that your website functions well across different devices, including smartphones and tablets. This adaptability benefits users with vision impairments who may require larger text.

7. Test for Accessibility Regularly

Testing is a crucial step in ensuring accessibility. Use automated tools like WAVE or Axe to scan for accessibility issues. Manual testing with real users, including those with disabilities, can also provide valuable insights.

Tools for Web Designers in the Philippines

There are several online tools that web designers can use to ensure their websites are accessible:

  • WAVE Accessibility Tool: A free tool that evaluates the accessibility of web pages.
  • Color Contrast Checker: Ensures that your website’s color schemes meet accessibility standards.
  • Screen Reader: Test how well your website works with screen readers, like NVDA or VoiceOver, used by visually impaired users.
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Benefits for Filipino Businesses

Web accessibility is not just about compliance—it’s about creating a positive user experience for all. Businesses in the Philippines that invest in accessible websites will not only enhance their brand reputation but also foster loyalty among a wider range of customers. An inclusive website can lead to better customer retention and increased sales.


Web designers in the Philippines play a crucial role in helping businesses become more inclusive. By following these simple yet effective guidelines, you can create websites that provide a seamless experience for all users, regardless of their abilities. Prioritizing accessibility is not just a good practice; it’s a smart business strategy for any company looking to thrive in the digital age.

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